La Buissonnière Bannay

Come to our Hotel

Access to LA BUISSONNIÈRE, HOTEL **, BAR, RESTAURANT L’ÉTAPE and TABLE D’HÔTES is particularly easy, whatever your mode of travel. Very close to Saint-Satur and Sancerre on the left bank of the Loire, and Cosne-Cours-sur-Loire on the right bank, Bannay is crossed by the Canal lateral à la Loire and the La Loire à Vélo cycle path which, over nearly 800 km, connects Cuffy – not far from Nevers – to Saint-Brevin-les-Pins in Loire-Atlantique.


By car :

From Paris: A6 motorway then A77, exit Cosne-Cours-sur-Loire/Myenne. Cross Cosne towards Sancerre Léré. Cross the Loire then follow the Sancerre signs to Bannay.


From Nevers: A77 motorway, Sancerre/Saint-Satur exit. Cross the Loire then Saint-Satur until the first roundabout. Then go straight towards Cosne-Cours-sur-Loire and follow the canal to Bannay.


From Bourges: Head towards Sancerre. At the entrance to Sancerre, at the first roundabout, take the direction of Saint-Satur/Cosne-Cours-sur-Loire. Cross Saint-Satur (red light, church) then, at the 1st stop, turn left towards Cosne-Cours-sur-Loire. At the roundabout, 300 m after the stop sign, continue straight and follow the canal to Bannay.


From Vierzon: Take the direction of Vailly-sur-Saudre/Auxerre. In Vailly, head towards Cosne-Cours-sur-Loire/Savigny, cross Savigny towards Boulleret. Cross Boulleret towards Cosne-Cours-sur-Loire. At the first roundabout, go straight towards Bannay/Sancerre. Follow the canal to Bannay.


By bike :

Follow the Loire à Vélo route.


By Train or Bus:

Arrive at Cosne-Cours-sur-Loire Gare, then take the shuttle to Sancerre and ask for a stop at Bannay, 200 m after the lock. Then continue 150 m on foot.


IN ANY CASE, IF YOU ARE LOST (but there is no reason), CALL US!

Contact us

Need more information?

Don't hesitate to contact us!

58, Rue du Canal
18300 Bannay

06 38 17 22 39
02 48 72 70 17

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